PureSpin PRP ™

PureSpin PRP™ (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a medical treatment that uses the patient's own blood to promote healing and tissue regeneration. The treatment involves extracting a small amount of blood from the patient, which is then placed into a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood components.

The concentrated platelets are then re-injected into the affected area, such as the joints, muscles, or skin, using a fine needle. The platelets contain growth factors that can stimulate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

PureSpin PRP™ is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal injuries, such as tendonitis or osteoarthritis, skin conditions, such as acne scarring or stretch marks, as well as hair loss. The treatment is minimally invasive, relatively painless, and has few side effects.


EZPRF Platelet-Rich Fibrin